Central Denmark Region Psychiatric Emergency Departments
Call 112 if you are at immediate risk of suicide
Contact your doctor if you or someone you knowneeds urgent psychiatric help. Outside of your doctor's opening hours, you can contact the out-of-hours medical service.
Psychiatric helpline
Around the clock, there is the opportunity for anonymous counseling by phone at +45 78 47 04 70 - The hotline is available for both patients and relatives.
If you have been referred to a psychiatric emergency department, you can find it here:
Adults (from 18 years old)
Adults (from 18 years old)
Aarhus - Akut Psykiatri
Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 161, Entrance J3, 8200 Aarhus N
Psychiatric Emergency Department - Aarhus
Gødstrup - Psykiatrisk Akutmodtagelse
Hospitalsparken 15, 7400 Herning
Psychiatric Emergency Department - Gødstrup
Horsens - Psykiatrisk modtagelse
Sundvej 30, Entrance L, 8700 Horsens
Psychiatric Emergency Department - Horsens
Randers - Skadestuen
Skovlyvej 9, Entrance B – go to B3, 8930 Randers NØ
Psychiatric Emergency Department - Randers
Silkeborg, Skive, Viborg - Regionspsykiatrien Midt
Søndersøparken 1, 3rd floor, 8800 Viborg
Psychiatric Emergency Department - Viborg
Adolescents and Children (under 18 years old)
Adolescents and Children (under 18 years old)
- Children and adolescents can anonymously write or call the Children's Helpline at +45 11 61 11.
Aarhus - Akut Psykiatri
Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 161, Indgang J3, 8200 Aarhus N
Aarhus Universitetshospital Psykiatrien - Psykiatrien i Region Midtjylland
Other services
Other services
Children's Helpline (Børnetelefonen)
Children and teenagers can anonymously write or call the Children's Helpline
The phone is always open
You can also write or chat with the counselors of the Children's Helpline
11 61 11
Livslinjen - counselling
If you are in a mental crisis or have thoughts of suicide, you can contact the Lifeline (Livslinjen) for free and anonymously
Phone hours:
Monday-Sunday: 11-05
You can also write or chat with the counselors of Livslinjen.
70 201 201
Psykiatrifonden - counselling
If you are in a mental crisis or have thoughts of suicide, you can contact Psykiatrifonden for free and anonymously.
Phone hours:
Monday-Thursday: 10-22
Friday-Sunday: 10-18
You can also write or chat with the counselors of Psykiatrifonden.
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