
About Læ


www.læ was established in 1999 through a collaboration between Amtsrådsforeningen, Københavns Amt, and Mentor Instituttet. Amtsrådsforeningen provided financial support to the website upon application. The website is owned and updated by Mentor Instituttet in dialogue with the Regions, associated on-call services, pharmacies, and other stakeholders in the acute care sector. The website is financed through advertising revenue, with Mentor Instituttet ensuring that the advertising content is serious and appropriate for the website's purpose.

The content on www.læ is provided solely for viewing/reading purposes. It is not permitted to make copies, either on paper, electronically, or in digital form. However, screen prints may be taken for private use. Access to the content can be arranged by written request to Mentor Instituttet at

You are welcome to send an email to the editorial team at with feedback, suggestions, and requests regarding the content of the website. We also greatly appreciate input from healthcare professionals with advice and corrections.

Editorial team

Institute director, Axel Skafte-Holm, physician, Editor in chief

Emeritus Institute Director, Philipp Skafte-Holm, physician


Mentor Instituttet ApS

CVR nr. 24258807


To provide citizens with easy access to information about the emergency medical service, 1813, and other acute care functions.

To make it easier for parents to assess and care for their children when they become ill.

To provide adults with information on how to best handle acute illness.

To provide citizens with information on how to find a pharmacy that is open.


The website www.læ is developed and operated by doctors with in-depth knowledge and experience in the field. We have prepared this guide for those who want to get in touch with or file a complaint about the Medical Helpline

Before you file a complaint or seek compensation

Before you file a complaint or seek compensation, it can be a good idea to contact a patient advisor in the Region where the medical emergency consultation took place.

The patient advisors can advise and guide you on the complaint systems, provide you with relevant information/forms, and possibly assist with the formulation of the complaint/application.

Here you can find the patient advisors of the Regions:

Capital Region

Corporate Practice

Kongens Vænge 2

3400 Hillerød


Find complaint form here

Region Zealand

Alléen 15

4180 Sorø


Find complaint form here

Region of Southern Denmark

Attention: Sekretariatet for Samarbejdsudvalget


Damhaven 12

7100 Vejle


Find complaint form here

Central Denmark Region


Skottenborg 26

8800 Viborg


Find complaint form here

Complain via Nem-ID/mitID

North Denmark Region

Primær Sundhed

Niels Bohrs Vej 30

9220 Aalborg Ø


Find information about the complaint form here

If you have experienced an unintended incident

If you have experienced an unintended incident in the Medical Helpline, you can report the incident to Danish Patient Safety Authority.

The information will be provided to those working to improve patient safety in your region.


If you want to seek compensation for an injury that has occurred during treatment, you should contact Danish Patient Compensation